Monday, April 18, 2011

Looking Towards the Future


In 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development UNCED put forth a plan to help eradicate poverty. A few points included

1. Establish a world solidarity fund to eradicate poverty and to promote social and human development in the developing countries pursuant to modalities to be determined by the General Assembly, while stressing the voluntary nature of the contributions, the need to avoid duplication of existing United Nations funds, and encouraging the role of the private sector and individual citizens relative to Governments in funding the endeavor.

2. Deliver basic health services for all and reduce environmental health threats, taking into account the special needs of children and the linkages between poverty, health and environment, with provision of financial resources, technical assistance and knowledge transfer to developing countries and countries with economies in transition

3. Increase food availability and affordability, including through harvest and food technology and management, as well as equitable and efficient distribution systems, by promoting, for example, community-based partnerships linking urban and rural people and enterprises

There was also a provision regarding clean water that included halving the amount of people who are unable to reach clean water or afford safe drinking water.

Having people able to afford clean water is the goal, but another goal should also be to make sure pollution is staying out of our clean water. UN Water has four ways to combat water pollution.

Prevention of pollution
Treatment of polluted water
Safe use of wastewater
Restoration and protection of ecosystems

We also need to protect humans from the effects of climate change. During World Health Day in 2008 the WHO put out a press release that climate sensitive diseases are killing millions of people at this very moment diseases that include malnutrition, diarrheal diseases, and malaria. The WHO will coordinate research and assessment on the most vulnerable populations including women and children.

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